Suitability and Community Risk Modeling Using Raster Analysis
Suitability Model This model used five variables to determine the suitability of a frac sand mine in Trempealeau County.The five are: Geology Slope Rail Terminal Proximity Water Table Land Cover Each of the variables were converted to a raster if they were not already, and then a suitability ranking was developed to determine how each variable would function as a frac sand mine (Table 1). These rankings were determined off of a variety of factors. The geology layer was ranked based off of availability of sand. If there is no sand, the model determines that there is no functionality for a sand mine. The land cover layer is classified based on ease of access to the potential sand layers below. The railroad proximity layer is ranked based on how far mined sand should travel before setting off on a rail car. For the slope layer, smaller inclines are prioritized so that excavation can proceed with relative ease. Finally, the water table layer is ranked based on how deep ...